CODEBOOK OF NATIONAL AMBULATORY MEDICAL CARE SURVEY HEALTH CENTER (NAMCS HC) COMPONENT PUBLIC USE DATA FILE This document is the codebook for the 2022 NAMCS HC Component public use data file. For each item on the record, the user is provided with a Number of records = 282,017 sequential item number, variable name, brief description of the item, field length, file location, and values. Item Variable Name Description SAS/Stata R Format Values Keywords Notes No. Format 1 PUF_ID Unique visit Numeric Numeric Range from Public use identifier on the 1-282017 data file, PUF Unique 2 HCID_S Scrambled health Numeric Numeric Range from Primary If using SAS SUDAAN center ID 1-64 sampling survey procedures HCID_S unit, PSU must be numeric. HCID_S is the primary sampling unit (PSU) variable. 3 DAY Day of the week on | Numeric Factor 1 = Sunday which the 2 = Monday encounter 3 = Tuesday occurred 4 = Wednesday 5 = Thursday 6 = Friday 7 = Saturday 4 MONTH Month in which the | Numeric Factor 1= January encounter 2= February occurred 3= March 4= April 5= May 6= June 7= July 8= August 9= September 10= October 11= November 12= December YEAR Survey year Character Character 2022 Year MARITAL AGE Patient marital status Patient age in years Character Numeric Character Numeric -9 = Missing D = Divorced L = Legally Separated M = Married O = Other S = Single T = Domestic Partner U = Unmarried W = Widowed -9 = Missing Values from 0-87 88 = 88 years and older AGE_GROUP Patient age group Numeric Factor -9 = Blank 1 =Less than 18 years 2 = 18-44 years 3 = 45-64 years 4 = 65 years or more AGE_U1_MONTH Age in months for patients less than 1 year old Numeric Factor Range from 0-11 10 ETHNICITY Patient Hispanic ethnicity Numeric Logical -9 = Missing 1 = Hispanic or Latino 2 = Not Hispanic or Latino 11 RACE Patient race Numeric Factor -9 = Missing 1=AIAN 2 = Asian 3 = Black 4 = NHOPI 5 = White 6 = Other 12 RACERETH Patient race and Numeric Factor -9 = Missing Hispanic ethnicity 1 = White 2 = Black 3 = Hispanic 4 = Other 13 SEX Patient sex Numeric Factor -9 = Missing 1= Male 2 = Female 14 VISWT Visit level weight Numeric Numeric Range 0-999 Weight 15 STRATUM_S Scrambled stratum | Numeric Numeric Range 1-8 If using SAS SUDAAN of the HC survey procedures STRATUM_S must be numeric. 16-45 DX1-DX30 Diagnosis #1- Character Character -9 = Missing ICD-10-CM, | Diagnosis #30 (ICD- A000 — Z998 = Diagnosis /icd/Comprehensive- 10-CM), diagnosis A00.0 — 299.8 Listing-of-ICD-10-CM- code truncated to 4 Files.htm characters (no decimal) 46-75 DX_TYPE1- Diagnosis type #1- Numeric Logical -9 = Missing DX_TYPE30 Diagnosis type #30 1 = Primary 2 = Not Primary